Tuesday, December 30, 2008

包包的比例 The Actual Proportion of the Bags

由于相片很难看得出包包真正的尺寸,所以请朋友给我的宝贝们拍了一些照片。在这里谢谢模特儿 Angelica 和摄影师 Terence。如果觉得像片拍得不错,可以到他们的 flickr 看看。
Just because it is hard to judge the size of these bags, I asked my friends to take some photos for it. Here i wish to thank the model - Angelica and the photographer Terence. Feel free to visit their flickr if you like these photos.


Jun Yue said...

WA very Pretty OH~~~~!!!!! Nice Nice Good Good!!!!

mer mer said...

ya...XD take liao long long time..just no time to arrange it yet...finally now...XD