Friday, January 23, 2009


新的一年,新的工作,也给自己做个新的包包!这包包比较浅,方便我拿东西。本身东西也不多,所以包包也没有多余的袋子。真的很喜欢长长的包包,也喜欢线条纹!包包里面选择充满果酱的图案;因为这是陪伴我寻找面包的包包,当然要准备果酱了!XD 只是个顽皮的想法啦~!祝我工作愉快吧!新年快乐!

New year, new job, and a new bag for myself! It is easier for me to get my thing while this bag is shorter compare with previous big bag. It don't have much pocket because I don't have much things to put in. I really like bag which long in shape and with line of pattern too! I choose to use a cloth with a lot of fruit jam pattern for the inner part of the bag becuase this is the bag that acompany me when the journey for the bread, of cause I have to prepare some 'jam' for the 'bread'! XD Just a naughty thought of mine~! Wish me a happy working life! Happy Chinese New Year for all!

item no. S 090123036
-(Not for sell)-

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